Entre saturation des écrans et difficulté à lire des livres,
Entre rapidité d’information et désir de ralentir,
Le podcast s'est imposé comme média incontournable de marque.
En prenant le temps de raconter une histoire, le récit devient plus authentique, plus intime et donc plus proche de l’auditeur. Et ainsi plus mémorable.
Le podcast génère
4,4 fois plus de brand recall
que tout autre format publicitaire
Étude Havas 2020
Et ce média reste sans limites... de temps, de sujets, d’invités, d’horaires.
Le podcast, de par sa nature ATAWAD*, le temps d’attention qu’il offre et l’imaginaire qu’il invoque, est aujourd’hui un outil incontournable de soft formation, et de transmission de valeurs et de vision à ses communautés.
of listeners think that offering podcasts is a good way to communicate
of listeners are likely to purchase the recommended products.
have searched for information on the brand or product mentioned.
Content, Creation, Communication
Thanks to the 3 “Cs”, Kikina Studio revolutionizes content creation by imagining an experience, more than a podcast.
A multisensory, immersive, memorable experience...
So that the listener has no choice but to move from listening to action.
A typical season
It's what ?
Embarking on the great audio adventure
with a first season composed of:

A series of episodes
Monthly frequency to be determined
1 logo + 1 name
Podcast specific
1 graphic charter
Taking yours but making the podcast unique and easily identifiable
1 sound decor
Podcast jingle + sounds, music and excerpts per episode
Visual content
1 for the podcast + 1 per episode
A media strategy
Aligned with yours.
On all listening platforms + reporting
Each Kikina podcast consists of:
Writing a story to engage a community, create emotion, inspiration and desire
The creation of a sound universe to leave room for imagination… and memorability. The story and its messages thus remain engraved.
The creation of a visual identity which uses the brand's codes but which makes the podcast unique and memorable.
A distribution and communication strategy specific to podcasting, to unite and sustainably attract qualified communities.
Additional services

Creation of dynamic content for RS

Community Management
Management of social networks to be defined according to duration

Creation of a dedicated newsletter or mailing template

Additional seasons
Depending on the feedback and results of season 1, creation of additional seasons or podcasts

Creation of a page or insert dedicated to the podcast on your site

Participate in the creation of the podcast to involve your employees - cf. below